Monday, July 2, 2007

Pahila Wahila Blog (First BLog!)

Writing what i feel, never came to me naturally and is definitely not my cup of coffee ! (i am tea fanatic!! can never say no to tea under any circumstance!) . Tried a diary, even created blog that am sure has been closed by blogger. But, better late than never!

Writing what i feel can be tricky, relieving, a good way to improve writing skills etc. but is it that necessary ? Well i feel its not.... but again what the hell! who cares anyways.. so why not? and here i am, trying to organize and write!

Writing what i feel, at first seemed to me synonymous to hypocrisy। Write what I would like to feel rather than what I am feeling। But as time teaches all that lives, i too learn't that, thats not the case. I was born in the world's largest and oldest successful democracy and am currently residing in the world's largest economy-democracy. I reserve the right to freedom of expression. Moreover whats illegal in venting out my feelings!! If worlds greatest antisocials can bring down buildings and disrupt peace in divine-holy places, why cant i write about myself... Here i am writing !!


Unknown said...

hey mr.writer,
this is wht the world has been waiting for........ ur blog.
go on..........

Vikram said...

thank you.. but it really is painful to write meaningful.. hope the world bears with the pace!

Praful said...

well..come to the blogging world..
i feel if i write wat i think, then it will be illegal, immoral etc...and i think the same for u...but dont stop...i guess thats wat make blogs interesting...writing one's heart out...keep it up

Vikram said...

sure thing dude! thx for the "Nair" comment!